Share your passion

Like any other, looking back while growing up, I realize the mistakes I made. I didn’t want to be told what to do, but now, I realize I needed a “mentor” to guide me in finding what I love. Whether it be the arts, sciences, or athletics, you’ll only know through exposure. When I realized […]

Things aren’t always what they seem

Perception is reality for humans. However, one’s reality does not always align with the truth of what is being observed. Einstein broke this concept down in relative physics when he discovered that an observer in motion sees an object totally different than an observer that is standing still. Now let’s apply this to how we […]

What goes around comes around

I say this because when you are together with someone always remember that whatever you do to them will come back to you. If your partner or family member is down you have to be the one who can lift them up and support in their time of need. If you are mean you are […]

Why Self- Reflection is Important

8 Lessons to Live by Every Day: 1. The hardest thing in the world is being vulnerable, not just to others, but to ourselves. 2. It’s hard to admit when we are wrong, not just to others, but to ourselves. 3. Life is fucking hard & sometimes we feel like we can’t deal with it, […]

Leave it in yesterday

Being bitter and stuck in the same place is not growing. Evolving to be the best person you can be is growth, feeding your soul knowledge is growth. Trust me with growth comes with blessings and opportunities.

Blood isn’t always thicker than water

Over the years I’ve learned that everyone’s family dynamics can be different. What I mean by that is you can have more than one family. People say “you can’t pick your family”, well I think you can, to an extent lol. I like to think of my “extended family” as my sisters, since I grew […]

Life Goes On

It takes more than failure to break you. It may seem like one thing after the next but focusing on the negativity that life can throw at you won’t help. When things take an unexpected turn and you feel that you’ve exhausted all your resources and are done with what life is throwing at you, […]

Stick to YOUR own path

1. As you get older accept that what you’ve dealt with in the past is in the past. Do not continue to hold on to it, as for you will not grow. 2. Don’t follow the crowd! Find your own river to stick to, not everyone’s river flows the same. 3. Live with no regrets, […]

Soak in your failure

Failing at life is not always a bad thing. Not every successful experience has to start off with a win. If you do have to take an L, use that loss and learn what not to do the next time. It’s okay to fail, sometimes.

Appearances are thin veils

Our world as of now is built around the concept of the appearance of an individual. We are enamored with perception and the idea of looking appealing to others whether if it is on the internet or in person. People build a persona, an ideal self, for others to see so that they can somehow […]